Media Center
Scientists develop method to efficiently construct single-copy human artificial chromosomes (HACs)
This new tool will allow scientists to work in mammalian systems in ways only previously available in bacteria and yeast
HACs have wide potential research applications to synthetic biologists and may eventually aid in delivering DNA in clinical applications
With combined funding of 3,000,000 euros the BBVA Foundation’s Fundamentos Program supports five innovative exploratory research projects on core questions in basic science
JCVI work supported through The Physical Basis of Cell Division in Minimal and Synthetic cells (MINCELL) Fundamentos Program
Opentrons Announces New Robotics Education Initiative Demonstrating Commitment to Laboratory Automation for Students
12th Build-a-Cell Workshop hosted at J. Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla
The workshop will take place March 29, 2024 with registration closing March 19
New LongCOVID research launched by PolyBio’s global consortium of scientists
Funding will deepen research on the persistence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in LongCOVID patients and launch new clinical trials
J. Craig Venter Institute contracted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to rapidly construct synthetic influenza genes
Genes will be used to help develop seasonal and pandemic vaccines, improving response time and vaccine efficacy
Coastal upwelling regions threatened by increased ocean acidification
Increased acidification shown to limit iron availability, a critical element for the survival of phytoplankton, the foundation of the oceanic food web
J. Craig Venter Institute scientists awarded five-year, $5.7M grant from NIH to develop phage treatment
Phage research accelerates with the rise of antibiotic resistance to address increasingly prevalent and difficult to treat bacterial infections
Bringing cells to life … and to Minecraft: $30 million NSF grant to support whole-cell modeling at the Beckman Institute
Beckman researchers and collaborators received $30 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation to establish the NSF Science and Technology Center for Quantitative Cell Biology. The center will develop whole-cell models to transform our understanding of how cells function and share that knowledge with diverse communities through the popular computer game Minecraft.
NLM Selects Dr. Richard H. Scheuermann as Scientific Director for the National Library of Medicine
Media Contact
10 Days of Italian Sampling Coming to a Close
Tuesday July 20th On July 16th we finished our Straits of Messina sampling and headed into the Ionian and Adriatic Seas. We sailed overnight and collected our Ionian Sea sample, we continued northeast and on July 18th we collected our Adriatic...
HMP Consortium - St. Louis Missouri
Human Microbiome Project Consortium – September 2010 – St Louis, Missouri We received warm welcome messages from Dr George Weinstock and Dr Jane Petersen as well as a humorous welcome from Dr Larry Shapiro, Dean of Washington University Medical School. It was wonderful to see so...
Straits of Messina Transect
Friday July 16th Today we woke up early and left our anchorage at Vulcano Island and headed to the Straits of Messina 20 miles away. The plan was to collect a sample at the north entrance, anchor for 5 hours to process the sample. Once the sample was completed then head to the middle of the...
Advance Access JCVI Metagenomics Reports Application Note
A significant JCVI informatics development is JCVI Metagenomics Reports, an open source Web 2.0 application designed to help scientists analyze and compare annotated metagenomics data sets. Users can download the application to upload and analyze their own metagenomics datasets. METAREP...
Naples Harbor Sampling
Thursday July 15th After getting some sleep at anchorage in Ischia island we sailed for a few hours to the main harbor in Naples. Over the years the Sorcerer II Expedition has collected samples in major ports around the world (Sydney, Halifax, Boston, Panama, Cape Town, just to...
Italian Sampling Continues-Unique Animal in Italian Waters!
Wednesday July 14th Monday July 12th we woke up early and left the anchorage in Capraia Island. We arrived at Ischia island at 5:00 a.m. on Wednesday the 14th. In those 48 hours we collected 6 samples. Two samples were collected in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, two samples were collected over...
Mediterranean Sampling Season Starts
Sunday July 11th 2010 On Thursday July 8th Sorcerer II set sail from Valencia Spain to start the Mediterranean season. Permits vary from country to country, Italy gave us 10 days to collect our samples, so we had to time our departure from Spain to fit our 10 day sampling window in Italy. As...
The Sorcerer II Sampling Process
July 6th In the blog about the media event I posted a few days back I put a link to the JCVI media page. On this page you can learn about our research goals, funders and past expeditions (more links on the right side of the page). Before we set out for this sampling season I wanted to...
Valencia, The Home Of Sorcerer II And Crew Since September 2009
July 5th Valencia is located about 140 miles (365 kilometers) from Barcelona. Valencia has a rich history and a distinct culture from other Spanish cities. I have only spent a few months here, but I wanted to share some of the highlights with you all before we set sail and start our...
High-performance comparative metagenomics
Are your carrying out large scale metagenomics analyses to identify differences among multiple sample sites? Are you looking for suitable analysis tools? If you have not yet found the right analysis tool, you may be interested in the latest beta version of JCVI...
The 'Wondrous Map': Charting of the Human Genome, 20 Years Later
Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton announced completion of what was arguably one of the greatest advances of the modern era: the first draft sequence of the human genome.
Craig Venter: 20 years of decoding the human genome
The human genome is 99% decoded, the American geneticist Craig Venter announced two decades ago. What has the deciphering brought us since then?
Scientists in La Jolla Make Progress Understanding New Coronavirus Strain
Gene Drives: New and Improved
As the science advances, policy-makers and regulators need to develop responses that reflect the latest developments and the diversity of approaches and applications.
Pink shoes and a lab jacket: Finding your way as a female scientist
Women in science tell high school girls they, too, can change the world
PEOPLE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: Jazz piano in La Jolla scientist Clyde Hutchison’s DNA
How AI can help us decode immunity
Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the keys to unraveling how the human immune system prevents and controls disease
Construction of an Escherichia coli genome with fewer codons sets records
The biggest synthetic genome so far has been made, with a smaller set of amino-acid-encoding codons than usual — raising the prospect of encoding proteins that contain unnatural amino-acid residues.
Public Health is the Next Big Thing at UC San Diego
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