Media Center
Scientists Discover Way to Streamline Analysis of Maize Genome
Combination of Two Techniques Can Help Identify "Gene Islands" in the Key Crop
Scientists Explore Secrets of the Anthrax Spore
Study May Help With Detection, Prevention and Early Treatment of Anthrax
Scientists Decipher Genome of Bacterium That Remediates Uranium Contamination and Generates Electricity Through Its Metabolism
Analysis of Geobacter sulfurreducens Genes Reveals New Capabilities
Gene Transfer Leads To Antibiotic Resistance In Staph Strain
Study Sheds Light on Vancomycin Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus
IBEA Researchers Make Significant Advance in Methodology Toward Goal of a Synthetic Genome
Group Synthesizes Biologically Active Genome of Bacteriophage φX174
IBEA research, funded by Dept. of Energy, is an important advance toward the goal of a completely synthetic genome that could aid in carbon sequestration and energy production
NHGRI Funds Next Generation Of Large-Scale Sequencing Centers
New Efforts Will Build on Success of the Human Genome Project
TIGR to Help Decipher Genome of Model Legume
Sequencing of Medicago truncatula Will Benefit Nutrition, Agricultural Research
TIGR Posts Sequence Data for Parasite that Causes Trichomoniasis
Sexually-Transmitted Trichomonas vaginalis Amplifies HIV Transmission
TIGR, NIAID Sign $65 Million Microbial Sequencing Contract
Genomics Institute Will Sequence Dozens of Genomes per Year for 5 Years
UCSD-TCAG Collaboration to Focus on Transformation of Genome-Based Knowledge Into Health Benefits
Media Contact
Scientist Spotlight: Marcelo Freire
Marcelo Freire, an associate professor in the Genomic Medicine and Infectious Disease Department at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), is currently working on decoding immune-microbiome genes and interactions. Growing up in Brazil and a curious person by nature, he often found himself...
Tracking Enterovirus D68, Cause of a Polio-like Illness in Some Patients
The J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) has played a vital role in defining the diversity of contemporary strains of human enteroviruses by using state-of-the art sequencing technologies, bioinformatics analyses, and in vitro and in vivo modeling.
Every Day is World Food Day at JCVI
World Food Day is a global initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to ensure that people have access to enough high-quality food to lead active and healthy lives. After a period of decline, world hunger is on the rise again. Today, over 820 million people...
Mold Is Everywhere and Impacts You
When most people think about mold or fungi, food spoilage, a damp basement, or mushrooms come to mind. What you may not realize is how pervasive this branch of life is. Fungi is everywhere, from the ground you walk on to the air you breathe, and accounts for an estimated 25% of all biomass...
Scientists Discover Genetic Basis for Toxic Algal Blooms
Scientists from the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego have discovered how certain types of algal blooms become toxic, producing a harmful substance known as domoic acid. Microscopic view of domoic acid...
Ocean Microplastics Explained
As we wrap up sampling in the waters off of Maine, Dr. Chris Dupont discusses how collections of plastic particles in the water – or “plastisphere” – may be harboring fish or human pathogens. There may also be microbes responsible for degrading plastic, which are being investigated....
JCVI Team Awarded Two Grants Under the NSF’s “Understanding the Rules of Life” Initiative
The first award, led by John Glass, PhD, for $1M, is focused on “Building and Modeling Synthetic Bacterial Cells.” The second award, led by Zaida Luthey-Schulten, PhD, at the University of Illinois, also for $1M, is titled “Balancing the Demands of a Minimal Cell,” and is focused on...
Dr. Venter at Sailors’ Scuttlebutt Lecture Series
Dr. Craig Venter was a guest speaker at the Whaling Museum in partnership with Nantucket Community Sailing as part of the Sailors’ Scuttlebutt Lecture Series. Dr. Venter's lecture was titled, "Oceans, Human Health and the Genomic Future" discussing the Global Ocean...
Newly Discovered Human Brain Cell: Rosehip Neurons
What’s next for exploring the newly discovered human brain cell, the rose hip neuron? We caught up with Dr. Richard Scheuermann on the road to discuss how the J. Craig Venter Institute is advancing knowledge about what makes humans unique. See the full press release.
Ocean Sampling Day 2018
J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) scientists, led by Lisa Ziegler Allen, PhD, are collaborating with Kelly Goodwin, PhD (NOAA), Brian Palenik, PhD (UCSD), and Maitreyi Nagarkar (UCSD) to participate in this year’s Ocean Sampling Day on June 21. The team, which also includes Sarah Schwenck...
Scientists Create the Smallest-Ever Moving Cell
Just two genes get tiny synthetic cells moving, offering clues to life’s evolution.
From Sequencing to Sailing: Three Decades of Adventure with Craig Venter
In a plenary public appearance at the Molecular and Precision Med TRI-CON event in San Diego, a relaxed Venter reflected on his career highlights, controversies and future priorities for genomic medicine.
Synthesizing life on the planet
What’s the smallest number of genes that cells need to grow and reproduce? Is it possible to synthesize minimal genomes and insert them into cells? What do minimal genomes teach us about life? An interview with John Glass, Ph.D.
Top scientists join forces to study leading theory behind long COVID
Several JCVI scientists will be contributing to the newly launched Long Covid Research Initiative — a collaboration of researchers, clinicians, and patients working to rapidly study and treat long Covid.
Hunting for deep-ocean plastics
Through the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, National Deep Submergence Facility, JCVI's Erin Garza, Ph.D. joins a deep sea expedition to search for ocean plastics aboard the HOV Alvin.
A journey to the center of our cells
Biologists are discovering the true nature of cells—and learning to build their own.
Dr. Hend Alqaderi on paving the way for women in science in the GCC
Hend Alqaderi, a JCVI collaborator and mentee to Marcelo Freire receives the L’Oréal-Unesco Women in Science award
Leonardo Da Vinci: New family tree spans 21 generations, 690 years, finds 14 living male descendants
The surprising results of a decade-long investigation by Alessandro Vezzosi and Agnese Sabato provide a strong basis for advancing a project researching Leonardo da Vinci's DNA.
Genome Research Papers on Meningococcal Recombination, Psoriasis Variants in China, More
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