Media Center

Press Release

Affymetrix, TIGR and NIAID Join Forces to Fight SARS Virus

A new GeneChip® array from Affymetrix, Inc., that aims to catalyze research into the SARS virus is being made available to the research community through an innovative collaboration involving partners in the government, not-for-profit and business sectors. The arrays will be distributed at no cost to qualifying researchers through the Pathogen Functional Genomics Resource Center (PFGRC), which TIGR operates under contract with the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Press Release

MdBioLab Forms Coalition With Other Mobile Bioscience Labs

TIGR-Supported MdBioLab On Display at BIO Convention

Press Release

Twice as Many Predicted Genes in "Finished" Rice Chromosome

The smallest rice chromosome has nearly twice as many predicted genes as the draft DNA sequence had indicated, according to a new study by researchers at TIGR and collaborators. The "finished" sequence and analysis of rice Chromosome 10 confirms that the rice genome is closely similar to that of other grains particularly sorghum and maize. The study also offers a close look at the compacted short arm of the chromosome.

Press Release

Genomic-Based Prospective Medicine Collaboration Announced by Duke University Medical Center and The Center for the Advancement of Genomics

Groups will work together to create the first genomic-based, prospective medicine practice utilizing correlations between comprehensive genomic and medical data relevant to prediction, early detection and prevention of disease

Press Release

TIGR International Travel Fellowships

The Institute for Genomic Research is pleased to announce its new International Travel Fellowship. The Fellowship is designed to provide established researchers from developing countries with an interest in computational genomics the unique opportunity to interact with TIGR's faculty as well as participate in one of our scientific conferences. The objective of this program is to foster collaborative relationships between these organizations, TIGR, and other members of the genomic research community.

Press Release

Anthrax: "A Soil Bug Gone Bad"

Scientists Decipher, Analyze Genome of Bacillus anthracis

Press Release

Genomic Sequencing and Analysis Conference

Genomic medicine, systems biology and "New Frontiers in Sequencing Technology" are among the hot topics to be discussed at TIGR's 15th International Genome Sequencing and Analysis Conference (GSAC XV), which will gather a wide range of researchers from academia, the government and the private sector to Savannah, GA, on September 21-24, 2003.

Press Release

Strausberg, Leading Genomic Scientist, to Become TIGR's V.P. for Research

Genomics innovator Robert L. Strausberg, who directs the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Cancer Genomics Office, has been named as TIGR's Vice President for Research. Strausberg has played an important role in the development of innovative tools and technologies for genome research, both at the NCI - where he helped devise new ways to collect and apply genomic information that is important to cancer research - and previously at the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Human Genome Research, where he headed the Sequencing Technology Branch from 1994-96.

Press Release

Energy Department Awards $9 Million for Energy Related Genomic Research

Institute for Biological Energy Alternatives to Explore and Develop Clean Energy and Environmental Alternatives

Press Release

Study Sheds Light on Chlamydial Pathogens

Small Genome Variations Account For Wide Range of Diseases, Victims


Ocean Sampling Day 2018

J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) scientists, led by Lisa Ziegler Allen, PhD, are collaborating with Kelly Goodwin, PhD (NOAA), Brian Palenik, PhD (UCSD), and Maitreyi Nagarkar (UCSD) to participate in this year’s Ocean Sampling Day on June 21. The team, which also includes Sarah Schwenck...

J. Craig Venter Institute Education Program Fosters Learning Opportunities with Salisbury University Students and Faculty

Patti Erickson, PhD first connected with the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) in the Fall of 2016 as an associate professor at Salisbury University looking for opportunities to expose undergraduate students to biology outside of the classroom. Soon thereafter, she and a group from Salisbury...

JCVI Makes Strides in Microbial Analysis of Artwork which May Lead to Better Preservation

Through the da Vinci DNA Project, researchers at JCVI began taking samples from aging artwork with the aim of understanding which microbial species are present are present on each.

BioVision Alexandria 2018

The BioVision Alexandria conference convened at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in Alexandria, Egypt this past April. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a commemoration of the Ancient Library of Alexandria and an attempt to rekindle the global cultural and scholarship role of the library....

J. Craig Venter Institute Inspires Kids on “Take Your Child to Work Day”

Last month when my kindergarten-aged daughter brought home a note from school to dress up as their future career choice, I was pleasantly surprised to hear from her that she aspired to be a scientist just like me. So, we dug through my clothes and found her an old lab coat and decorated the...

JCVI to Receive Grant from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to Define the Language of Human Cell Classification

Researchers at J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), led by Richard Scheuermann, PhD, director of JCVI’s La Jolla Campus, have been awarded a grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation as part of the Human Cell Atlas project. JCVI will be...

J. Craig Venter Institute Teaches Students about Genomics at Annual High Tech Fair

In January, JCVI was one of more than 40 San Diego STEM-related organizations who participated in the Fleet Science Center’s annual High Tech Fair. This year more than 3,000 local middle and high-school students, their teachers, and families descended upon Balboa Park throughout the...

Dr. Scheuermann featured on the Illumina Genomics Podcast

In Episode 14 of the Illumina Genomics Podcast, Dr. Richard Scheuermann is the featured guest. Dr. Scheuermann discusses advancements in cell ontology, informatics, machine learning, and how his approach to biology has adapted over the years to incorporate the massive increases of data and...

New Method for Genome-wide Engineering of Viruses

Researchers at JCVI have been developing synthetic genomics assembly methods since 2000, addressing fundamental biological questions. Together, with researchers at Oregon Health and Science University, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Synthetic Genomics, Inc., and Vir Biotechnology,...


The Scientist

Sailing the Seas in Search of Microbes

Projects aimed at collecting big data about the ocean’s tiniest life forms continue to expand our view of the seas.

The Harvard Crimson

What the Public Should Not Know

J. Craig Venter, PhD, argues scientists have “a moral obligation to communicate what they're doing to the public,” and that more studies deserve greater public criticism.


Scientists coax cells with the world’s smallest genomes to reproduce normally

The discovery could sharpen scientists’ understanding of which functions are crucial for normal cells and what the many mysterious genes in these organisms are doing

San Diego Union Tribune

San Diego arts, health, science and youth groups to share $71M from Prebys Foundation

The J. Craig Venter Institute is the recipient of three awards totaling more than $1.5M to study SARS-CoV-2 and heart disease

Scientific American

Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the First Publication of the Human Genome

A new wave of research is needed to make ample use of humanity’s “most wondrous map”

The San Diego Union Tribune

Scientists rush to determine if mutant strain of coronavirus will deepen pandemic

U.S. researchers have been slow to perform the genetic sequencing that will help clarify the situation

The San Diego Union-Tribune

After saving countless lives, Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith retires as his own health falters

He has been a fixture in San Diego science for decades



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