Media Center
Study Identifies Genetic Variation In Tuberculosis Strains
A TIGR comparison of the whole genomes of two strains of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis has found a surprising number of differences, indicating that genetic variation may be more extensive among Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates than previously thought, and may play an important role in the development of the disease and of human immunity to it.
TIGR Offers Genomics Course
TIGR's genomics course for educators, which is designed to give high school biology teachers a thorough understanding of genomics, will be offered on Saturdays this fall, starting on October 19th.
Sequence Provides Insights Into An Emerging Pathogen's Virulence Mechanism, Allowing for Vaccine Development
An analysis of the whole genome sequence of Streptococcus agalactiae serotype V provides valuable insights into the virulence mechanism of the pathogen, which is a leading cause of pneumonia and meningitis in newborns and the source of life-threatening illnesses in a growing number of adults with deficient immune systems.
TIGR, IBEA, and TCAG to Create New High-Throughput Genomic Sequencing Facility
Center will be test bed for latest DNA sequencing and computing technology
Human sequencing to be conducted to better understand genetic variation
Mapping the Mouse Genome
An international research consortium that includes TIGR has published a comprehensive physical map of the mouse genome that provides an important resource for biomedical researchers. The TIGR team, led by Shaying Zhao, sequenced the BAC ends of the mouse genome.
TIGR's informatics group today posted the third major release (3.0) of the genome annotation for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana
TIGR investigators announced today that they have determined the complete genome sequence of a green-sulfur bacterium, Chlorobium tepidum
TIGR's new publication, the TIGR Triptych, features articles about Bacillus anthracis research and the new Pathogen Functional Genomics Resource Center
An Arabidopsis whole genome chip jointly developed by TIGR and Affymetrix Inc. has been completed and is now being tested
Scientists Find New Markers For Anthrax Isolates
In a pioneering use of genomics as a tool for the forensic analysis of microbes, TIGR scientists have found new genetic markers to distinguish the Bacillus anthracis isolate that was used in last fall's bioterror attack in Florida from closely related anthrax strains.
Media Contact
Scientist Spotlight: Orianna Bretschger
Most of us have never thought about how to make more water or cleaner water or develop unique sources of energy but that’s exactly what Orianna Bretschger does at JCVI. She is working at the intersection of engineering, physics, and biology to design small machines powered by bacteria that...
Having Fun with Genomics
I am the generation after landing on the moon. As a child, I don’t recall having any science inspiration. I was fortunate to have parents that made it possible for me and my siblings to get a very good education. I went to a small parochial school outside of Washington, DC. It was a great...
AGBT, Marco Island 2010
I just got back from AGBT in Marco Island, Florida and I am still in awe. As noted in the name, this conference highlights advances in both genome biology and technology. The biology seemed to be very human genome centric. Many of the talks presented full genome sequences of cancer genomes or...
Influenza H1N1pdm sequencing project overview
Since 2004, the JCVI Influenza Genome Sequencing Project, funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has sequenced thousands of human, swine, and avian influenza isolates from collections around the world to provide researchers with a better understanding of...
High Impact Science in Antarctica
Big changes in store for the Mertz Polynya: in February 2010 iceberg 9B9 collided with the Mertz Glacier, breaking the 70 km floating glacier off at the base. The Mertz Polynya was extensivley sampled by scientists at the JCVI in the summer of 2007/08, and this metagenomic survey will form an important baseline for evaluating on-going changes in the area.
Rocky Hill MS Explodes with Science
Mrs. Jill Maisch is the 7th Grade Science teacher at Rocky Hill Middle School who is responsible for the explosion with Science in Clarksburg MD. She, along with new teachers and veteran teachers to the DiscoverGenomics! Science Education Program attended our annual professional development...
New ways to analyze metagenomics data
Are you looking for new tools to analyze your metagenomics data? Are you using MG-RAST, IMG/M or MEGAN for your daily metagenomics work? JCVI is working on a user friendly alternative that you might be looking for - a new tool kit for metagenomics data visualization and analysis...
DNA microarrays vs RNAseq — The winner and new heavyweight champion is?... It’s a draw.
In the past year or so there have been several articles stating that the death of microarray technology is growing near. These proclamations are due to the more recently introduced methodology referred to as RNAseq. At first glance I wrote these claims off as being silly and premature. Over...
Science Festivals
With spring around the corner (or at least we hope), there are several upcoming science festivals. These festivals are designed to provide students and families opportunities to find out what is happening in local science research institutes, universities and companies. These organizations...
Many of us don’t spend a lot of time pondering wastewater treatment unless we absolutely have to. However, we may need to start rethinking this dirty job. In the United States wastewater treatment is a multi-billion dollar industry that is facing major challenges in the...
Scientists Create the Smallest-Ever Moving Cell
Just two genes get tiny synthetic cells moving, offering clues to life’s evolution.
From Sequencing to Sailing: Three Decades of Adventure with Craig Venter
In a plenary public appearance at the Molecular and Precision Med TRI-CON event in San Diego, a relaxed Venter reflected on his career highlights, controversies and future priorities for genomic medicine.
Synthesizing life on the planet
What’s the smallest number of genes that cells need to grow and reproduce? Is it possible to synthesize minimal genomes and insert them into cells? What do minimal genomes teach us about life? An interview with John Glass, Ph.D.
Top scientists join forces to study leading theory behind long COVID
Several JCVI scientists will be contributing to the newly launched Long Covid Research Initiative — a collaboration of researchers, clinicians, and patients working to rapidly study and treat long Covid.
Hunting for deep-ocean plastics
Through the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, National Deep Submergence Facility, JCVI's Erin Garza, Ph.D. joins a deep sea expedition to search for ocean plastics aboard the HOV Alvin.
A journey to the center of our cells
Biologists are discovering the true nature of cells—and learning to build their own.
Dr. Hend Alqaderi on paving the way for women in science in the GCC
Hend Alqaderi, a JCVI collaborator and mentee to Marcelo Freire receives the L’Oréal-Unesco Women in Science award
Leonardo Da Vinci: New family tree spans 21 generations, 690 years, finds 14 living male descendants
The surprising results of a decade-long investigation by Alessandro Vezzosi and Agnese Sabato provide a strong basis for advancing a project researching Leonardo da Vinci's DNA.
Genome Research Papers on Meningococcal Recombination, Psoriasis Variants in China, More
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