Media Center

News Alert

Leading health technology experts to headline Purdue’s Data Science in Life Sciences symposium

Four leading experts in health technology, including JCVI's Todd Michael, will highlight a Data Science in the Life Sciences Symposium on April 20 in the Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship.

Press Release

Key Biological Mechanism is Disrupted by Ocean Acidification

Inability of phytoplankton to acquire iron imperils marine ecosystems

Collaborator Release

Human Longevity, Inc. Scientists Publish Paper Diving Deeper into Non-Coding Genome Which Represents 98% of the Human Genome

17 Years Since the First Human Genome Sequence was Released, the Next Frontiers for Clinical Application and Understanding of the Genome are Uncovered

Collaborator Release

Past encounters with the flu shape vaccine response

Immune history influences vaccine effectiveness, interacting with other potential problems arising from the manufacturing process

Collaborator Release

Common acid reflux medications promote chronic liver disease

Study co-authors include J. Craig Venter Institute scientists Karen E. Nelson and Derrick E. Fouts

Press Release

J. Craig Venter Institute-led Team Awarded 5-year, $10.7 M Grant from U.S. Department of Energy to Optimize Metabolic Networks in Diatoms, Enabling Next-Generation Biofuels and Bioproducts

Research builds on a series of recent landmark studies, at JCVI, which have led to transformative new methodology for synthetic biology and functional genomics

Collaborator Release

Don't blame your genes for your toothache, twin study shows

For the first time, investigators have looked at the role that genes and the oral microbiome play in the formation of cavities and have found that your mother was right: The condition of your teeth depends on your dietary and oral hygiene habits. The study appears September 13 in Cell Host & Microbe.


Moving dirt at JCVI La Jolla

After celebrating the ground breaking of JCVI La Jolla, McCarthy Building Companies immediately got to work preparing the land for construction. First the crew set up a work area to house the staff and equipment needed for the project. The site was cleared and stabilized for construction...

Scientist Spotlight: Meet David Wentworth

During the height of the H1N1 Flu pandemic, David Wentworth was running a microbial genetics laboratory at the Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) where he was instrumental in developing a method to amplify influenza genomes regardless of strain using “universal...

2012 JCVI Internship Program Is Now Accepting New Applications

Wow! Another year has gone by.  Its hard to think it is November - almost December with the warm weather we have been enjoying.  However it did not start that way. The 2012 JCVI Internship Program is open to accept spring and summer applications. The application process...

JCVI La Jolla Breaks Ground

It is official! On Tuesday, September 20th JCVI officially broke ground on a new La Jolla, California sustainable lab, to be located directly on the campus of the University of California, San Diego. Craig Venter, JCVI Founder and President along with UCSD Chancellor Marye Anne Fox; Vice...

Evaluating Strain-level Variation of Key Acidogenic Species in Dental Plaque Biofilms

The characterization of the dental plaque microbiome, using traditional 16S rDNA profiling strategies, illustrates both the strengths and the limitations of this method. The central limitation of the 16S rDNA methodology is the inability to decipher strain-level variation within a...

Cataloguing the Gene Expression Patterns of Dental Plaque Biofilms: A Reference Dental Plaque Transcriptome

The RNA-Seq method has been widely adopted as an alternative to the use of DNA microarrays. In most contexts, the RNA-Seq method is implemented when a single reference organism is being studied. Our project endeavored to establish working methods to enable the generation of cDNA libraries that...

Surrogate Methods for Profiling Species of the Oral and Gut Microbiome

We engaged in an effort focused on alleviating a substantial barrier facing the human microbiome research community. While powerful, the 16S rDNA gene is insufficiently divergent to allow discrimination of many species and essentially no strains present within communities. The increasing costs...

The Mobile Lab Is Going to Sunny San Diego

Late one evening in January 2006, the mobile lab pulled into the parking lot at 9704 Medical Center Drive. It was such an exciting evening! Within a few days, we had all the lab supplies on it and began visiting students. The first school in the Washington Area was Patapsco Middle School in...

The Hill School: Day 2

The day started early Tuesday with first period.  Thirty eager students arrived on the bus to determine the results of the amplification of the DNA they extracted the day before.  The PCR ran overnight, copying part of a conserved gene in plants, RuBisCo, that can be used to...


Deutsche Welle

Craig Venter: 20 years of decoding the human genome

The human genome is 99% decoded, the American geneticist Craig Venter announced two decades ago. What has the deciphering brought us since then?

Issues in Science and Tech

Gene Drives: New and Improved

As the science advances, policy-makers and regulators need to develop responses that reflect the latest developments and the diversity of approaches and applications.

The San Diego Union-Tribune

Pink shoes and a lab jacket: Finding your way as a female scientist

Women in science tell high school girls they, too, can change the world

Asia Times

How AI can help us decode immunity

Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the keys to unraveling how the human immune system prevents and controls disease

Nature News and Views

Construction of an Escherichia coli genome with fewer codons sets records

The biggest synthetic genome so far has been made, with a smaller set of amino-acid-encoding codons than usual — raising the prospect of encoding proteins that contain unnatural amino-acid residues.

UC San Diego News Center

Public Health is the Next Big Thing at UC San Diego



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