GCID Publications

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2010-09-01; 54.9: 3569-77.
Genomewide analysis of divergence of antibiotic resistance determinants in closely related isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii
Adams MD, Chan ER, Molyneaux ND, Bonomo RA
PMID: 20530228
Nature biotechnology. 2010-09-01; 28.9: 951-6.
Draft genome sequence of the oilseed species Ricinus communis
Chan AP, Crabtree J, Zhao Q, Lorenzi H, Orvis J, Puiu D, Melake-Berhan A, Jones KM, Redman J, Chen G, Cahoon EB, Gedil M, Stanke M, Haas BJ, Wortman JR, Fraser-Liggett CM, Ravel J, Rabinowicz PD
PMID: 20729833
Fungal genetics and biology : FG & B. 2010-09-01; 47.9: 736-41.
SMURF: Genomic mapping of fungal secondary metabolite clusters
Khaldi N, Seifuddin FT, Turner G, Haft D, Nierman WC, Wolfe KH, Fedorova ND
PMID: 20554054
PloS one. 2010-08-26; 5.8: e12411.
Comparative genomics of Gardnerella vaginalis strains reveals substantial differences in metabolic and virulence potential
Yeoman CJ, Yildirim S, Thomas SM, Durkin AS, Torralba M, Sutton G, Buhay CJ, Ding Y, Dugan-Rocha SP, Muzny DM, Qin X, Gibbs RA, Leigh SR, Stumpf R, White BA, Highlander SK, Nelson KE, Wilson BA
PMID: 20865041
Journal of clinical microbiology. 2010-08-01; 48.8: 2715-23.
Detection and characterization of human Ureaplasma species and serovars by real-time PCR
Xiao L, Glass JI, Paralanov V, Yooseph S, Cassell GH, Duffy LB, Waites KB
PMID: 20554828
BMC microbiology. 2010-07-28; 10.202.
Genetic and phenotypic diversity in Burkholderia: contributions by prophage and phage-like elements
Ronning CM, Losada L, Brinkac L, Inman J, Ulrich RL, Schell M, Nierman WC, DeShazer D
PMID: 20667135
BMC research notes. 2010-07-15; 3.199.
ANDES: Statistical tools for the ANalyses of DEep Sequencing
Li K, Venter E, Yooseph S, Stockwell TB, Eckerle LD, Denison MR, Spiro DJ, Methé BA
PMID: 20633290
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2010-06-15; 26.12: 1488-92.
Ergatis: a web interface and scalable software system for bioinformatics workflows
Orvis J, Crabtree J, Galens K, Gussman A, Inman JM, Lee E, Nampally S, Riley D, Sundaram JP, Felix V, Whitty B, Mahurkar A, Wortman J, White O, Angiuoli SV
PMID: 20413634
PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2010-06-15; 4.6: e716.
New assembly, reannotation and analysis of the Entamoeba histolytica genome reveal new genomic features and protein content information
Lorenzi HA, Puiu D, Miller JR, Brinkac LM, Amedeo P, Hall N, Caler EV
PMID: 20559563
Journal of virology. 2010-06-01; 84.11: 5715-8.
Unseasonal transmission of H3N2 influenza A virus during the swine-origin H1N1 pandemic
Ghedin E, Wentworth DE, Halpin RA, Lin X, Bera J, Depasse J, Fitch A, Griesemer S, Hine E, Katzel DA, Overton L, Proudfoot K, Sitz J, Szczypinski B, StGeorge K, Spiro DJ, Holmes EC
PMID: 20237080
