
Computer applications in the biosciences : CABIOS. 1995-02-01; 11.1: 45-7.

A rapid retrieval tool for operating on large, flat archive files

White O, FitzHugh W

PMID: 7796274


Computer-aided sequencing and analysis facilities need to efficiently search flat archive files. Retrieval by e-mail or network server connections can become impractical in cases where large numbers of selected entries need to be accessed. Public versions of these archives can be retrieved via ftp and installed on a local hard disk as an alternative to network-based retrieval. After installation, a scheme is required for rapid access of the archive that is consistent with the other production needs of the sequencing facility. We have developed a retrieval system for entries inside a flat-file database. The system works for any flat-file database system such as those used in the public DNA and protein archives.
