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Common antibiotics, azithromycin and amoxicillin, affect gut metagenomics within a household
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Host and Water Microbiota Are Differentially Linked to Potential Human Pathogen Accumulation in Oysters
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Escherichia coli ST131 Associated with Increased Mortality in Bloodstream Infections from Urinary Tract Source
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Exploring the Proteomic Profile of Soybean Bran: Unlocking the Potential for Improving Protein Quality and Quantity
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Persistent immune and clotting dysfunction detected in saliva and blood plasma after COVID-19
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A guide to the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network data ecosystem
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Targets and cross-reactivity of human T cell recognition of common cold coronaviruses
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Cell-Free Expression System Derived from a Near-Minimal Synthetic Bacterium
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Reference-based cell type matching of in situ image-based spatial transcriptomics data on primary visual cortex of mouse brain
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