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National Academy of Sciences launches new open access journal, PNAS Nexus, in partnership with Oxford University Press; Karen Nelson to serve as inaugural editor-in-chief
Genes necessary for cell division in modern bacterial cells identified
Discovery may help shape understanding of primitive cell division
Scientists find evidence that novel coronavirus infects the mouth’s cells
NIH-funded findings point to a role for saliva in SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
Scientists map how iron, a critical mineral for survival, is processed by algae, a cornerstone of the ocean food web
Nearly forty proteins identified in the intracellular process, helping to build a conceptual overview of how iron is allocated within diatom cells
J. Craig Venter Institute Scientists to Investigate Role of Opioid Abuse in HIV and HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders Pathogenesis through $4.7M NIDA Grant
Study aims to identify candidate molecules to regulate HIV infection in the central nervous system in patients abusing opioids
Influenza A Virus Discovered in Heart Muscle Tissue Causing Damage Long After It Has Cleared from the Lungs
Strategies to inhibit necrotic cell death or to prevent mitochondrial damage should be pursued as possible therapies to reduce cardiac damage during influenza infections
Hamilton O. Smith, M.D., Synthetic Biology Pioneer and Nobel Laureate, to Step Down from Daily Duties at J. Craig Venter Institute
Dr. Smith will maintain advisory role as professor emeritus
Scientists set a path for field trials of gene drive organisms
As genetically engineered organisms ramp up, a multidisciplinary coalition offers a framework for ethical, socially engaged and transparent field practices
JCVI President Karen Nelson, Ph.D., Recognized as Global Scientific Pioneer on Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researcher 2020 List
Study reveals mouth as primary source of COVID-19 infection, spread
UNC-Chapel Hill, NIH identify sites in the oral cavity where coronavirus can take hold
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Venter Institute Researchers Tackle the Growing Concern of Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Infections with Genomic, Phage Approaches
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year in the United States two million people acquire antibiotic resistant bacterial infections that lead to 23,000 deaths. Antibiotic resistance affects people of all ages and seriously impacts the healthcare, veterinary,...
2019 Summer Internship Program
The 2019 Summer Internship Program which wrapped up in August was another rousing success at the J. Craig Venter Institute. Faculty and staff in both the Rockville (MD) and La Jolla (CA) campuses mentored and trained 25 students (high school, undergraduate, and graduate students)...
Diatoms Have Found a Way to Pirate Bacterial Iron Sources
In large regions of the world’s oceans, photosynthesis struggles to operate because a key ingredient is missing. Many of the proteins involved in harvesting energy from sunlight require iron atoms to function, but iron is hard to find in seawater. Most of the ocean is far removed from...
The JCVI Genomic Frontier Fund
As we complete our 26th year as a private genomic research institution, we are still just as excited as we were in the very beginning to be making new discoveries, potentially ones that will change our society for the better. The knowledge gained from our study of DNA, or as Dr. Venter...
New Sequencing Technologies Enable Better and Faster Understanding of the Human Microbiome
Humans have trillions of different species of microorganisms living inside and on the human body. These microbes colonize on the skin, gut, oral cavity, vagina, internal organs, and circulating fluids, and are called the human microbiome. The human microbiome plays profound roles in health...
Human Microbiome Research has Massive Potential for Health Applications
Thirteen years ago, a team led by J. Craig Venter Institute President, Karen Nelson, Ph.D., published the first major human microbiome study, radically changing the way we look at human health and the role the microbes that inhabit each of us play in disease. This seminal publication...
Scientist Spotlight: Lauren Oldfield
Since high school, Lauren Oldfield, PhD found that science was her calling. It started with a love of reading encouraged by her mom and grandmother, both avid readers, and weekly trips to the public library. Books by Michael Crichton and Richard Preston were staples in her grandmother’s...
When Starved, Dangerous Oral Bacteria Hang On
J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) postdoctoral fellow, Jonathon Baker, PhD and a team of researchers from JCVI, University of Washington, the University of California, Los Angeles, and The Forsyth Institute recently published their findings from the first study to examine the ecological dynamics...
No More Needles! Using Microbiome and Synthetic Biology Advances to Better Treat Type 1 Diabetes
Learn about exciting advances made by JCVI researchers Yo Suzuki and John Glass who are on a quest to better understand and treat Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Currently T1D is managed by injecting insulin to manage blood glucose levels. Drs. Suzuki and Glass want to change that by creating a...
How to Bake a (Fungal) Turkey
From the kitchen of Stephanie Mounaud, Scientific Project Manager at JCVI Ingredients Media base (see media recipe) Agar Aspergillus terreus (multiple strains) Aspergillus niger Aspergillus fumigatus Aspergillus oryzae...
Researchers have swapped the genome of gut germ E. coli for an artificial one
By creating a new genome, scientists could create organisms tailored to produce desirable compounds
Genetically modified bacteria-killing viruses used on patient for first time
Hair claimed to belong to Leonardo da Vinci to undergo DNA testing
Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning
Students learn about genomics, a life in science, at J. Craig Venter Institute
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