Media Center

Press Release

Scientists Identify Genome-Wide Traits Associated with Microbial Growth Strategy and Ecosystem Nutrient Status

New Methods Developed May Shed Light on Evolution in the World’s Oceans

Collaborator Release

Emory School of Nursing faculty member receives research grant from The ALS Association

J. Craig Venter Institute is a major partner, providing whole genome sequencing and data analysis needed to identify microbial makeup of ALS patients

Collaborator Release

Al Gore to lead global ‘healthy planet, healthy lives’ forum in Switzerland

Former US Vice President to address climate solutions in Montreux

JCVI President Karen Nelson to speak on “getting to the guts of health and disease”

Press Release

J. Craig Venter Institute and UC San Diego Develop Phage Treatment as Potential Cure for Alcoholic Liver Disease

Team targeted specific toxin-producing strains of the bacterium, Enterococcus faecalis, which is shown to be responsible for most liver damage

Collaborator Release

New Bioinformatics Hub at UChicago Enables Next-Gen Infectious Disease Research

NIH-funded resource merges pathogen databases and adds AI capabilities

Workshop Alert

JCVI/AADR Fall Focused Symposium

Integrating Omic Datasets Towards Translation

Collaborator Release

Combining Antibiotics, Researchers Deliver One-Two Punch against Ubiquitous Bacterium

CWRU/Cleveland VA findings in mouse models could make inroads against superbugs

News Alert

J. Craig Venter will deliver the Mendel Lecture June 18th at the European Human Genetics Conference.

Craig Venter is the founder, chairman and CEO of the J. Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla, CA, United States. He will be giving the Mendel Lecture on Tuesday June 18 at 13.30 hrs. He talked to Mary Rice about his life and work.


Synthetic Cell-Powered Lotion to Manage Type 1 Diabetes

Early last year we first talked about how researchers Yo Suzuki, PhD, and John Glass, PhD at JCVI set out to eliminate the need for type 1 diabetes (T1D) patients to receive insulin injections to manage blood glucose levels through a novel approach: developing a bacterial replacement for beta...

COVID-19 Further Complicating Flu Season

While the world is rightly focused on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to know that influenza is always a significant public health burden, and the combination of the pandemic and flu season could converge to become a perfect storm of infectious diseases. Influenza causes 3 to...

Sara Josephine Baker

At the beginning of the 20th century, many people remained skeptical of both germ theory and preventative medicine, but pioneering physician Dr. Sara Josephine Baker fought to revolutionize public health and is credited with saving tens of thousands of lives. After studying chemistry and...

JCVI Researchers Help Advance Our Understanding of Ocean Microbes, Developing New Tools and Protocols Through Large-Scale Study

The oceans cover over two-thirds of the Earth’s surface and contain an abundance of life including diverse populations of marine microbes.  Studying the  genetics, biochemistry and metabolism of these microbes has been one of JCVI’s long standing research initiatives and is...

Online Education Resources to Help With Your New “Normal”

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to our daily lives and routines, including for many of you the role of an at-home educator for your children due to open-ended school closures.  While we also miss directly connecting with students from our community, JCVI remains committed...

Coronavirus Pandemic: Putting Comprehensive Genomic Data in the Hands of Frontline Researchers Worldwide is Paramount

According to the CDC, SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, has now been detected in more than 150 countries/locations internationally. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and in the United States it has been declared it a national emergency. As...

Characterization of Bacteria from the International Space Station Drinking Water

From a microbiology perspective, the International Space Station (ISS) is interesting considering its microgravity, increased radiation, low humidity and elevated carbon dioxide levels. Because of its isolation, and unique environment, it is vital to study the microorganisms that thrive there...

Venter Institute Researchers Tackle the Growing Concern of Antibiotic Resistant Bacterial Infections with Genomic, Phage Approaches

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year in the United States two million people acquire antibiotic resistant bacterial infections that lead to 23,000 deaths. Antibiotic resistance affects people of all ages and seriously impacts the healthcare, veterinary,...

2019 Summer Internship Program

The 2019 Summer Internship Program which wrapped up in August was another rousing success at the J. Craig Venter Institute.  Faculty and staff in both the Rockville (MD) and La Jolla (CA) campuses mentored and trained  25 students (high school, undergraduate, and graduate students)...



From Sequencing to Sailing: Three Decades of Adventure with Craig Venter

In a plenary public appearance at the Molecular and Precision Med TRI-CON event in San Diego, a relaxed Venter reflected on his career highlights, controversies and future priorities for genomic medicine.

Big Biology Podcast

Synthesizing life on the planet

What’s the smallest number of genes that cells need to grow and reproduce? Is it possible to synthesize minimal genomes and insert them into cells? What do minimal genomes teach us about life? An interview with John Glass, Ph.D.


Top scientists join forces to study leading theory behind long COVID

Several JCVI scientists will be contributing to the newly launched Long Covid Research Initiative — a collaboration of researchers, clinicians, and patients working to rapidly study and treat long Covid.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Hunting for deep-ocean plastics

Through the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, National Deep Submergence Facility, JCVI's Erin Garza, Ph.D. joins a deep sea expedition to search for ocean plastics aboard the HOV Alvin.

New Yorker

A journey to the center of our cells

Biologists are discovering the true nature of cells—and learning to build their own.

Emirates Woman

Dr. Hend Alqaderi on paving the way for women in science in the GCC

Hend Alqaderi, a JCVI collaborator and mentee to Marcelo Freire receives the L’Oréal-Unesco Women in Science award


Leonardo Da Vinci: New family tree spans 21 generations, 690 years, finds 14 living male descendants

The surprising results of a decade-long investigation by Alessandro Vezzosi and Agnese Sabato provide a strong basis for advancing a project researching Leonardo da Vinci's DNA.



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